Good morning dear crew,
I am finally writing in English, but this is for a good reason because my groups will be responsible for preparing articles about the subjects exposed into the ACT 2 book. They must express the knowledge and awareness of the fundamental aspects of the genre studies and besides they will be able to share knowledge with not only their group but also the whole Internet.
The first article will be posted by the ACT 2 from Saturday morning group and the 'chief editors' will be Lady Nádia-formal newspaper article-and Mr. Igor- informal tabloid newspaper. In spite of posting they will be responsible to follow the genre to its extremes. The picture above is only a clue for the subject which will be discussed by them either by the tabloid genre or Newspaper Argumentative Formal Article.
This is only the beginning of several articles provided by the students; furthermore, we are having social and writing experience so needed to be acquired nowadays.
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Dirty but alive
At 11 September, 2001 two airplanes and two trades fell down.
The terrorists hijacked those airplanes and made a sequence of attacks into the twins. When it happened there were 17.400 people in the WTC.
In the middle of that confusion, our reporter interviwed a man who were inte bathroom. He gave a testimonial for the blog: "I was in the donnut´s party and i ate a little over the top today. I´m not felling so good and i went to bathroom. By the window i saw that airplane coming in my direction. I didn´t know if i had to clean my self or run away".
That´s the testimonial of a guy who ran naked and dirty through 46 floors.
At least, he is one of the survives.
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