Inscreva-se na SKILL FREGUESIA

quinta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2010

Ridiculous Replies

- Doctor! Doctor! I think I'm getting smaller.
- You'll just have to be a little patient.

- Is there a word in English that contains all the vowels?
- Unquestionably.

- Where do cows go for a night out?
- To the moo-vies.

- What flowers make you think of a kiss?
- Tulips.

- Waiter, what do you call this?
- It's bean soup, sir.
- I don't care where it's been - what is it now?

- In this place you can eat dirt cheap.
- But who wantas to eat dirt?

- Well, how do you like school?
- Closed.

- Do you feel like a cup of coffee?
- Of course not! Do I look like one?

- Did you put the cat out?
- Why? Is it on fire?

- So you're going to start a bakery?
- Yes, if I can raise the dough.

quarta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2010

domingo, 10 de outubro de 2010

Dia das Crianças

Diretor Eduardo depois de uma tortada na cara!
Mais uma vez nossa escola se superou nas atividades para o dia das crianças. Por meio de uma confraternização muito criativa, cativamos todos os alunos da unidade fazendo com que eles voltassem à infância.

Nessa última semana, de quarta-feira (06/10) até ontem (09/10), preparamos um quiz para os alunos adultos, atividades lúdicas para nossas crianças do ZEST e brincadeiras para nossas crianças do KIDS e MAG. Nosso propósito foi o de colocarmos o espírito infantil em cada canto de nossa escola, não importando a idade dos alunos. "Só se faz uma escola se todos nos conhecermos e brincarmos em conjunto". Usando esse lema, e apesar de alguns alunos não terem aceito as atividades, como também exigirem aula, creio que tivemos um grande êxito a nossa maneira. As crianças vencedoras ganharam muitos doces, já os adultos ganharam um mês de academia grátis, isso para queimarem as calorias que ganharam com a torta de chantili na cara a cada vez que errassem uma pergunta do quiz.

Aproveito o post para agradecer minha equipe de professores e funcionários, mas em especial às professoras Marina Meirinhos e Isabelle Zanardo que se dedicaram a semana inteira elaborando toda essa confusão!

Obrigado a todos pelas tortadas na cara e toda a brincadeira.

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quinta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2010

What's the difference: Interpretation and Translation?

A great number of people simply don't know the difference between interpretation and translation and others don't even realize the existence of such terms. The terms are both related to translation as well, but the difference comes when the oral and written approaches are in focus. According to that here follows some explanations about it.

Whenever you see someone 'translating' an oral speech or conference, bare in your mind that what you're seeing is an interpretation. There are several kinds of interpretation such as: consecutive; intermittent; whispered; simultaneous; prompt. In the consecutive approach, the interpreter is supposed to take notes, from five to 10 minutes, of what the speaker is saying, and afterwards he gives all the feedback in another language to the public for the same amount of time or less. The intermittent approach is quite similar to prompt; however, the lecturer gives a few sentences and right promptly the interpreter gives an interpretation in the language requested. Whispered normally happens when the interpreter is following the client through environments which the language can't be understood. Whatever message the client--who can be a boss or a business man--receives, the interpreter gives the interpretation whispering the contents in the client's ear. Especially in UN--United Nations (in Portuguese we say ONU--"Organização das Nações Unidas")--all the conferences are supported by interpreters who stay in acoustic booths. In there, they are equipped with headsets and microphones. Rapidly enough they get a message in English--or any other language--they turn it into the target language, Portuguese for instance. UN used to have only consecutive interpretation in earlier times, however, the need of a faster understanding demanded them to install machines for simultaneous approaches. Interpretations in prompt manners are unusual and sometimes can be confusing. In order to illustrate prompt interpretations watch the video bellow:

Written papers of any source are called translations. There are many kinds of translations such as literary and legal ones. All of them are very important and make ourselves in touch with the world of documentation by any via. Besides, checking out a good translation is not only checking the parallel translation of word by word, the translator is responsible of the passages between the cultural worlds. Quite probably a book you may read in English--as the original--may have additional meanings comparing to the translations as the cultural differences between the languages--and countries--are quite obvious and not everything  is possible to be adapted.

By posting the differences between interpretation and translation, I hope to have helped you realize that what you think may not be the total truth. Most professional issues are misunderstood because of lack of interest and study, or even additional research.

Additionally I'll post comments on the 'market of interpretation and translation' if you get interested in both areas.


sexta-feira, 30 de julho de 2010


Hello everyone!

Turmas de segundas e quartas-feiras:

09 de agosto

Turmas de terças e quintas-feiras:

10 de agosto

Turmas de sextas-feiras:

13 de agosto

Turmas de sábado:

14 de agosto

See you in class.

terça-feira, 27 de julho de 2010


Hello everyone!

ZEST is our toddlers' group and I believe we could give our young learners the best in terms of English and world-wide culture. Therefore, the result of an excellent work and students, as well, led us to the drama "Wizard of Oz" which was directed by Tamara Gentilin and interpreted by Eduardo Saraiva as the narrator. The scheme couldn't be more creative with kids dressed up alike the real characters in the original story. Besides interpreting, parents, relatives and even students could learn the relation between culture and fiction in one piece.

In order to illustrate better my explanation, we recorded everything in parts so you can appreciate the masterpiece of drama in the scenes shown below.

Thanks for reading,

Eduardo Saraiva

Encerramento de Semestre SKILL FREGUESIA

Hello everybody!

Espero que todos estejam bem com as férias do meio do ano e  também aproveitando, pois o segundo semestre está ai e a moleza vai acabar. Eu gostaria de comentar sobre nosso excelente desempenho com nossa equipe reformulada de docentes, pois conseguimos um desenvolvimento expressivo dentro do núcleo SKILL e de escolas de idiomas. Pela razão descrita previamente, creio que nossos alunos puderam aproveitar ao máximo e acompanharam nossa qualidade com um resultado muito bom.

Agradeço a todos pela colaboração,

Eduardo Saraiva

quinta-feira, 1 de julho de 2010

Open Conversation I Clues for test

Here goes the clues for your tests:

"You'll use a bit of everything, but specifically it will turn. There's nothing to do with documentaries! However notes you may take!"

To Mr. Galhasso:

"Where there's a will there's a way! Creativity and cartooning I may say! For some it will be hard as hell! For others nothing besides a piece of cake!"

To Mr. Frizanco:

You were the one who suffered the most!!!  Get to know what your body does! AHAHAHHHAH!!!!!

To Lady Bigliatto:

As your  wish you may see, but a continuation I shall give. I've been wondering if you could get married in one of them.

To Mr. Targino:

Naughty you are the most, but let's see if your naughtiness will last long when it comes to forecast what is unknown!!!

To Mr. Iida:

I noticed you got fatter because of your eating habits ever since.

That's it!



Calm down people the world cup has yet to finish but the SKILL CUP has finished already! And we had a very intriguing winner! CAMEROON! Winning against BRAZIL. RELAX it happens only in the video game!


terça-feira, 29 de junho de 2010

One Manga

Hello folks! How are you doing? I hope just fine =D

Today I will talk about a really nice website if you want to have more contact with the language in a very cool way.

The name of the website is

Do you enjoy japanese comics? So this is the PERFECT website for you. It has a collection of more than 1000 series! And all for free! Check it out!

sexta-feira, 25 de junho de 2010

Music Day!

Hello Students!

Every week I will recommend a song for you. Today's song talks about how togetherness makes us strong and unbeatable. If you are not feeling well or think that you cannot do something. Listen to this song and think a little bit about its lyrics.

Muse - Invincible

Follow through
Make our dreams come true
Don't give up the fight
You will be alright
'Cause there's no one like you
In the universe
Don't be afraid
What you're mind conceals
You should make a stand
Stand up for what you believe
And tonight we can truly say
Together we're invincible
And during the struggle
They will pull us down
But please, please let's use this chance to
Turn things around
And tonight we can truly say
Together we're invincible
Do it on your own
Makes no difference to me
What you leave behind
What you choose to be
And whatever they say
Your soul's unbreakable
And during the struggle
They will pull us down
But please, please let's use this chance to
Turn things around
And tonight we can truly say
Together we're invincible
Together we're invincible
And during the struggle
They will pull us down
Please, please let's use this chance to
Turn things around
And tonight we can truly say
Together we're invincible
Together we're invincible

quinta-feira, 24 de junho de 2010

New Design

Hello everyone!

Follow us in our blog, facebook and tweeter now.

Check our new design and don't forget to comment.







quarta-feira, 23 de junho de 2010

Competitions for life

Today is Wednesday and every Wednesday I post something about the American or British culture. Today I'm going to talk about a very interesting aspect of the American culture: as most part of the American citizens grow up they are taught to win in every single thing in their lives, for example, when they join a world championship they just can't go there and just play, have fun or enjoy the most of the competition; they MUST win. That happens not only during big events, but also wen they play a game on line; 3 days ago I started playing Mario Kart DS On line at home and the American people just HATE losing, they do whatever they need to accomplish their objectives(even using cheats sometimes, depends on the quality of the player). However, don't think they just like winning, because they REALLY win a lot, hey are pretty good a several sports, at electronic games in general, robotics. Think a little bit dear student, where is the greatest concentration of giant companies? In the USA.
This way of thinking about things, as if every single time of your day you are competing with something or someone makes them improve their development in a very good way. Concluding my post I have to say: DON'T THINK THAT ALL THE AMERICANS ARE LIKE THAT.

terça-feira, 22 de junho de 2010

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

This book is simply awesome, it is complicated and at the same time pretty easy to understand, because as time goes by you start noticing that you don't need to understand every single event in the book and that's interesting. Confusing? So check he story.

The story starts telling the story of an ordinary English man who is trying to save his house from the construction of a new road, his name is Arthur Dent and he has a friend who is an alien who knows that the earth is about to be destroyed. In the beginning Arthur doesn't believe in his friend, however, suddenly an announcement coming from the sky says 'This planet is in the middle of our construction so as we alerted before, we are going to destroy it.' As easy as it sounds the inhabitants from earth started knowing that their beloved planet was about to be destroyed. Although, Arthur escapes in an alien ship and fly through incredible and unbelievable adventures.

segunda-feira, 21 de junho de 2010

Good movies English students

Several student come after me asking about movies that fit their levels, so in order to provide this information somewhere I created this post o clarify some examples.

Harry Potter.

Level: Basic

I know a lot of students DETEST this movie, I detest as well(even though the book is nice), but I must say that the movie series is easier to understand, the actors speak clearly most part of the words which makes the film much better when you think of it as a way to improve English.

Star Wars.

Level: Intermediate

This one you may like, it is a science fiction movie which carries a lot of action and suspense. Sometimes it may sound hard to understand what they are saying but some characters such as Yoda, speak clearly enough to be understood by intermediate students. But be careful Yoda's speech has many inversions, some of then are even irregular.

Final Fantasy: Advent Children

Level: Advanced

First, this movie is just great, one of the best animation ever made in my opinion. If you are advanced in English it is possible for you to understand all the film without checking not even a single time the subtitles. The dubbers speak in a usual way which students from Act 1, Act 2 or even Interplus 3 are able to understand properly.

quinta-feira, 17 de junho de 2010

SKILL Pro Evolution Soccer CUP



quarta-feira, 16 de junho de 2010

Time is Money

As most part of the students know,I as a teacher comment it all the time, American people in general tend to save time in all kinds of aspect, for example, instead of using structures such as, 'I am' they use 'I'm' all the time and when you start listening to their language in movies, songs and so on you start noticing that they save time when speaking all the time. However, this behavior show off not only in when speaking, but also with technology. They have developed many technologies along the centuries like cellphones, pocket video games and Personal Computers and so on.

From what I have said until now you may think this idea of 'time is money' is good, but it is not at all. American people may do anything in order to save money and money, I'm going to use our social relations as an example: In order to say something to a friend, to invite someone to go out people don't call their friends anymore they just send an email or even a tweet*, these simple actions make us have less and less social relations which is really bad.

* - a micropost in the 'twitter' website:

3.0 (Linux)">

terça-feira, 15 de junho de 2010

Isaac Asimov - The end of eternity

Isaac always tries to improve the story more and more in his fiction books and this is not an exception. The story happens in a society which is used of time traveling, but they don't do it just for fun, they do it in order to make future better changing really simple things like; a discussion between a couple which caused somehow a war after 2 years. Considering this purpose, society needs special 'time travelers' to study the context they are dealing with; the problems which must be considered and so on. The real plot begins when one of these 'time travelers' falls in love with a person from a specific time which is forbidden and this causes a series of troubles involving all kinds of powers inside this modern society, from chancellors to inhabitants of the 'lost times'. An extremely well made book. You've got to check tis out!

segunda-feira, 14 de junho de 2010


Dear students, from now on we are going to have a schedule for the posts:

Monday: Movies
Tuesday: Books
Wednesday: Culture
Thursday: Events in the school
Friday: Music

To start this new era in the blog. A post about the so famous film: AVATAR


As most part of the students may know, Avatar is a sci-fi movie from James Cameron. The plot of the film is splendid, but the message which is transmitted is even more fabulous than it looks like.

The plot happens in a period of our history when we are able to find a new planet inhabited by kinds similar to human. However they have developed all their society based in the environmental respect, they are also adapted to connect and communicate with all kinds of life in the planet. These inhabitants are called 'Na'Vi'

An example of a female Na'vi

Our human is not attracted to the planet(which is called Pandora) by the Na'vi people, they are attracted by the resources which existed in that planet. There was a mineral resources capable of produces 100 times more energy than earth has ever seen before. The problem is: he only way to achieve this specific material is to destroy the Na'vi's place, and that's what they try do, or at least try.

The most interesting aspect of he movie is not the plot per si, but what it can be compared to. The behavior of human people in the film is the same as the most powerful countries nowadays, invading and destroying every single piece of obstacle they reach, not caring about social or religious aspects. Another precious aspect is the name of the planet, Pandora, it makes an allusion to the Greek story of the 'Pandora Box'. It tell a story about a girl who receives a beautiful box which she cannot open. Although she just can't wait anymore and opens it, there contained series of evil things and sins. The planet was just like that for the powerful countries as they tried to reach with greed and selfishness but ended up losing, that may be also the consequence of the U.S.A in the Iraq.

sábado, 20 de março de 2010

The Stephen King's Horror Show

Most people are unaware of how genius the horror writer Stephen King actually is. With his unmeasurable talent he managed to change the whole landscape of horror fiction having written over 60 books in the last 30 years. He is probably the first writer ever to achieve the status of a super star.

With a writing style rooted deep in the new American Gothic, King was an avid reader of pulp novels and horror/sci-fi writers such as Ray Bradbury, Hp Lovecraft at an early age. In his first attempt as a writer, King transcribed the plot to the movie The Pit and the Pendulum and sold out copies to his classmates. The deed didn't go unpunished as school principals weren't exactly happy of students profiting during school hours but young Steve King realized then that his stories were good enough so that people would actually pay money for them.

Over the years he played with a wide variety of literary genres from horror to sci-fi, western and the incredibly successful dystopian saga The Stand. Being a huge success however has granted him some harsh criticism by some critics that claim that King is a sub-literate whose books have no real literary relevance. That fact never had any effect on his book selling record as millions of avid and faithful readers wait anxiously for the next King publication.

King still writes at least a book a year and the quality of his work doesn't seem to be dropping. His latest book "Under the Dome" was published last November and quickly became a bestseller despite the fact that the book has over 1,000 pages. Stephen King lives with his wife Tabitha in Bangor, Maine, but spends most of the year at his place in Florida.

sábado, 13 de março de 2010


Hey pals!

As I have already told you in classes we're having every Friday Music Extra Activities. Next Friday(19/03)


Come and enjoy their greatest hits. Like:

"Basket Case"
"Hitch' a Ride"
"American Idiot"
"Time of your life"
And also new hits:
"Know your enemy"

And more! See you on Friday!

quinta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2010

Rescoldos de la historia argentina

Este artículo habla sobre Juan José Saer que fue un escritor argentino nacido en Serodino (provincia de Santa Fe) el 28 de junio de 1937 y fallecido el 11 de junio de 2005 en París (Francia). Es considerado no sólo uno de los escritores argentinos más importantes, sino incluso uno de los mejores narradores de los últimos tiempos en cualquier lengua.
Nadie nada nunca  (novela, 1980): en su novela es la representación de los hechos históricos en la ficción. El discurso social y político se muestra metafóricamente, como los asesinatos de caballos, que representaría el clima de terror y violencia de la dictadura militar en Argentina de los años ochenta. Trabajado juego con los puntos de vista, se narra lo mismo, una y otra vez, desde la perspectiva de distintos personajes. 
La dictadura militar argentina es un telón de fondo discreto de la «acción» (porque en realidad no pasa casi nada) de la novela, en un ambiente enrarecido y oprimente.

- Anteanoche mataron otro más en Santa Rosa- dice-.
- Ya van nueve.
-Diez- digo yo- Anoche mataron uno aquí en Rincón.
- Es pura maldad – dice el Ladeado.” (pag18)

También existía la posibilidad de que hubiese no dos, sino muchos asesinos que esa manía de matar caballos se hubiese convertido en una especie de epidemia y que cada uno de nosotros, por una razón u otra, se hubiese puesto a matar caballos hasta no dejar uno solo vivo en toda costa. El vecino de años, el padre o el hermano, el amigo de la infancia, se volvieron de golpe sospechosos.” (pag110)

De repente todos estaban bajo sospecha. Este clima era un atajo para llegar a la proyección de algo que estaba ocurriendo en Argentina. En la década de ochenta cuando la novela fue publicada esta asociación con la dictadura militar fue una clave de lectura. Este clima de suspenso y miedo representaría la lucha política, la guerrilla, el exilio forzoso, las persecuciones, desapariciones y asesinatos durante la dictadura militar que establece rescoldos con la primera historia del libro a través de la biografía de los personajes.

Leer esta narrativa es una manera de encontrar algunos sentidos a lo vivido en esta época. Sin duda, la historia de la crisis de los años ochenta afectó la literatura y el proceso narrativo de los escritores de esta época, consciente de ser la literatura una manera de reflexión sobre el mundo. Lo político siempre ha tenido lugar en la narrativa de Juan José Saer. Vale la pena conocer esta novela.

Fernanda Guisso

quinta-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2010


As férias estão acabando e a SKILL preparou uma semana de atividades! Venha na nossa unidade curtir o final das férias, teremos as seguintes atividades:

Segunda-feira(08/02) – Atividade de Vídeo.(10 vagas por horário)

das 15:00 as 16:00 / das 18:00 as 19:00 / das 20:00 as 21:00

Terça-feira(09/02) – Atividade de Teatro.(10 vagas por horário)

das 15:00 as 16:00 / das 18:00 as 19:00 / das 20:00 as 21:00

Quarta-feira(10/02) – Atividade de Música.(10 vagas por horário)

das 15:00 as 16:00 / das 18:00 as 19:00 / das 20:00 as 21:00

Quinta-feira(11/02) – Atividade de Informática.(8 vagas por horário)

das 15:00 as 16:00 / das 18:00 as 19:00 / das 20:00 as 21:00

Sexta-feira(12/02) – Atividade de Videogame.(8 vagas por horário)

das 16:00 as 18:00 ( Dance Dance Revolution)

das 19:00 as 21:00 (Winning Eleven)

É isso mesmo no última dia teremos atividades com videogame! Venha curtir os melhores jogos na companhia da SKILL.

As vagas são limitadas, então quem estiver interessando mande um email para informando seu nome completo, a atividade que deseja participar e o horário.

Quem participar terá um adicional em sua nota para o primeiro período do curso! NÃO PERCA

quinta-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2010


Além dos nossos artigos, vamos colocar nossas promoções, eventos calendários no nosso blog para que vocês sempre fiquem antenados com tudo que estã se passando em nossa escola.

Dessa vez é a hora do INTENSIVO 2010! Se você quer fazer um curso mais rápido, não fique ai na sua casa assistindo televisão!

Venha para SKILL e faça seu curso intensivo nesse mês de janeiro e GANHE o curso de ESPANHOL para esse ano de 2010!

Oportunidade assim só aqui na SKILL FREGUESIA!

Imagine-se falando 3 ou até mesmo 4 idiomas!?

Entrem em contato conosco e aguardo a visita de vocês!


Palestras Encerramento 2009

Até o momento não tive tempo para escrever em nosso blog sobre as palestras que ocorreram no final do ano passado, mas agora vou fazer alguns comentários e gostaria que nossos "nobres" leitores lessem e comentassem sobre as palestras que assistiram.

Creio que as palestras foram uma maneira de vocês conhecerem outros idiomas e até mesmo outras características do próprio idioma que estudam. Também foi uma oportunidade de se divertirem, pois as palestras não ficaram somente com as apresentações, mas também pudemos envolver a todos com o WORKSHOP final. É muito bom aprender, se divertir e participar com uma escola que dá ao aluno uma oportunidade única de sair do tradicionalismo das escolas convencionais. Nossa missão em 2009 foi cumprida. Conseguimos unir toda a equipe e nossos alunos mais uma vez.

Gostaria de agradecer a todos e que continuem conosco nesse ano de 2010.

Prometo que novas ideias virão para que vocês possam aprender ainda mais!
