Today is Wednesday and every Wednesday I post something about the American or British culture. Today I'm going to talk about a very interesting aspect of the American culture: as most part of the American citizens grow up they are taught to win in every single thing in their lives, for example, when they join a world championship they just can't go there and just play, have fun or enjoy the most of the competition; they MUST win. That happens not only during big events, but also wen they play a game on line; 3 days ago I started playing Mario Kart DS On line at home and the American people just HATE losing, they do whatever they need to accomplish their objectives(even using cheats sometimes, depends on the quality of the player). However, don't think they just like winning, because they REALLY win a lot, hey are pretty good a several sports, at electronic games in general, robotics. Think a little bit dear student, where is the greatest concentration of giant companies? In the USA.
This way of thinking about things, as if every single time of your day you are competing with something or someone makes them improve their development in a very good way. Concluding my post I have to say: DON'T THINK THAT ALL THE AMERICANS ARE LIKE THAT.
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